Fieldowrk led by Heiko Minkmar at the Hainich CZE


Site Management, CZE Operation and Synoptic Synthesis
Fieldowrk led by Heiko Minkmar at the Hainich CZE
Image: Johann Karl

The central project D03 maintains and further develops the unique Critical Zone research infrastructure at the Hainich Critical Zone Exploratory and the Saale-Elster-Sandsteinplatte Observatory, coordinates the field activities, is prominently involved in the collection of fundamental data on the geological setting, and runs the meteorological, hydrogeochemical, and hydraulic monitoring. With a dedicated scientific approach, D03 will advance and generalize our current understanding of links and feedbacks between the surface and the diverse subsurface habitats and their roles for ecosystem functions, by synthesizing, e.g., the multi-omics data from the contrasting model sites.

Impressions from project D03

The Hainich CZE: Groundwater sampling and high-volume filtration.

Video: K.U. Totsche, R. Lehmann, K. Lehmann (Project D03)

The Saale-Elster-Sandsteinplatte Observatory (SESO): Site exploration and monitoring.

Video: K.U. Totsche, R. Lehmann, K. Lehmann (Project D03)

Project Leaders

Kai Uwe Totsche
Kai Uwe Totsche
Image: Kai Uwe Totsche

Prof. Dr. Kai Uwe Totsche

Chair of Hydrogeology de
Institute of Geosciences
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Burgweg 11
07749 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 9 48650

Susan Trumbore
Susan Trumbore
Image: Susan Trumbore

Prof. Dr. Susan Trumbore

Department of Biogeochemical ProcessesExternal link
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Hans-Knöll-Str. 10
07745 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 576110

Kirsten Küsel
Kirsten Küsel
Image: Klaus Hackbarth

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Küsel

Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute for Biodiversity
Friedrich Schiller University
Dornburger Str. 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949461


Robert Lehmann
Robert Lehmann
Image: Robert Lehmann

Dr. Robert Lehmann

Postdoctoral Researcher & Field Coordinator

Chair of Hydrogeology de
Institute of Geosciences
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Wöllnitzer Str. 7
07749 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 948718

He Wang
He Wang
Image: He Wang

Dr. He Wang

Postdoctoral Researcher

Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute for Biodiversity
Friedrich Schiller University
Dornburger Str. 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949448


Dr. Michaela Aehnelt
Dr. Michaela Aehnelt
Image: Michaela Aehnelt

Dr. Michaela Aehnelt


Chair of Hydrogeology de
Institute of Geosciences
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Wöllnitzer Str. 7
07749 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 948xxx

Heiko Minkmar
Heiko Minkmar
Image: Heiko Minkmar

Heiko Minkmar


Chair of Hydrogeology
Institute of Geosciences
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Wöllnitzer Str. 7
07749 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 948749

Image: N.N.

Stefanie Wiede


Chair of Hydrogeology
Institute of Geosciences
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Wöllnitzer Str. 7
07749 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 9-48746

Falko Gutmann
Falko Gutmann
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Falko Gutmann


Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute for Biodiversity
Friedrich Schiller University
Dornburger Str. 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949470

René Maskos
René Maskos
Image: Lilly Berg

René Maskos


Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute for Biodiversity
Dornburger Str. 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949470


Image: N.N.

Dr. A. Adjie Pratama

Associated Postdoctoral Researcher

Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute for Biodiversity
Friedrich Schiller University
Dornburger Str. 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949457

Olga Maria Perez Carrascal
Olga Maria Perez Carrascal
Image: Jannick Van Cauwenberghe

Dr. Olga Perez Carrascal

Associated Postdoctoral Researcher

Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute for Biodiversity
Friedrich Schiller University
Dornburger Str. 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949457

Laura Schwab
Laura Schwab
Image: Laura Schwab

Dr. Laura Schwab

Associated Postdoctoral Researcher

Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute for Biodiversity
Friedrich Schiller University
Dornburger Str. 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949448

Carl-Eric Wegner
Carl-Eric Wegner
Image: Carl-Eric Wegner

Dr. Carl-Eric Wegner

Associated Researcher

Bioinorganic Chemistry Group
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf

Simon Schoeter
Simon Schoeter
Image: Simon Schoeter

Dr. Simon Schroeter

Associated Researcher

Molecular Biogeochemistry GroupExternal link
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Hans-Knöll-Str. 10
07745 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 576131