Computer-assisted structure elucidation (CASE)


Scientific Data Management and Integrative Data Analysis
Computer-assisted structure elucidation (CASE)
Image: C. Steinbeck

Project D01 provides the information management and sharing platform for the whole CRC AquaDiva. It will support the project-wide synthesis activities by providing integrated data products, e.g., it will work toward improving the data analysis for the chemical diversity and metabolic activities in the Critical Zone by constructing multi-omics data structures and perform computer-assisted structure elucidation of compounds in groundwater, which will be integrated into the Jena Database for Natural Products.

Project Leaders

Birgitta König-Ries

Image: Birgitta König-Ries

Prof. Dr. Birgitta König-Ries

Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Distributed Information Systems
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Jentower, Leutragraben 1
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 946430

Christoph Steinbeck

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Steinbeck

Professorship Cheminformatics and Computational MetabolomicsExternal link
Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Lessingstr. 8
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 948171


Researcher Dr. Alsayed Algergawy

Image: Alsayed Algergawy

Dr. Ing. Alsayed Algergawy


Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Distributed Information SystemsExternal link
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Jentower, Leutragraben 1, 07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 946438

Guest Professor for Data and Knowledge EngineeringExternal link
University of Passau
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Strasse 30, 94032 Passau

Vinay Singh

Image: Titas Mondal (JNU, New Delhi, India)

Dr. Vinay Singh

Postdoctoral Researcher

Professorship Cheminformatics and ChemometricsExternal link
Institute for Analytical Chemistry
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Lessingstr. 8
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 948xxx

Hamdi Hamed

Image: Hamdi Hamed

Hamdi Hamed


Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Distributed Information SystemsExternal link
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Jentower, Leutragraben 1
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 946438

Sven Thiel

Image: Sven Thiel

Sven Thiel

Associated Developer

Heinz-Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Distributed Information SystemsExternal link
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Jentower, Leutragraben 1
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949409