IRTG AquaDiva 2023 - Members


Integrated Research Training Group AquaDiva (IRTG)
IRTG AquaDiva 2023 - Members
Image: Thomas Ritschel

The integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) AquaDiva (project D02) provides a structured training program and interaction platform for all young researchers of the CRC AquaDiva from the first day up to the alumni stage. We facilitate the hiring process, support the arrival of new researchers, accompany doctoral researchers through their curriculum, organize a cutting-edge interdisciplinary course program, and assist especially postdoctoral researchers in career-related qualification. Our activities provide opportunity for interaction between members across projects and career stages, up to alumni and external partners.

Project Leaders

Anke Hildebrandt
Anke Hildebrandt
Image: Sebastian Wiedling (UFZ)

Prof. Dr. Anke Hildebrandt

Chair of Terrestrial Ecohydrology
Institute of Geoscience
Friedrich Schiller University
Burgweg 11
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 948720

Joint appointed professorship with the
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Department of Computational HydrosystemsExternal link
Permoser Str. 13
04318 Leipzig
Phone: +49 (0)3641 235-482238

Kirsten Küsel
Kirsten Küsel
Image: Klaus Hackbarth

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Küsel

Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute for Biodiversity
Friedrich Schiller University
Dornburger Str. 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 (0)3641 949461


Anke Hädrich
Anke Hädrich
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper (University of Jena)

Dr. Anke Hädrich

Scientific Coordinator

Chair of Aquatic Geomicrobiology
Institute of Biodiversity
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Dornburger Straße 159
07743 Jena
Phone: +49 3641 9 49451